Box of Hope Donation for 137 Children from the Charity Homes in Sharing the Joy of Deepavali Celebration

Initial post on 11 November 2023

We are delighted to share that we donated basic necessities such as food, school supplies, electrical appliances and household essentials to 137 children from three charity homes in Selangor, namely the Rita Home (Kapar), the Salvation Kids Association (Klang) and Pertubuhan Kebajikan Yesuvin Mahligai (Kajang) in sharing the joy of Deepavali celebration, under our CSR programme, Sesama Mara recently.

Aside from providing assistance and visiting the charity homes involved, a team of Hydro Heroes’ volunteers consisting of 25 Air Selangor employees also took part in clean-up activities such as painting walls, mowing lawns and cleaning the yard at one of these charity homes. Additionally, the volunteers organised relaxing and fun activities, such as making traditional floor decorations known as ‘kolam’ and aerobic exercises with the children in these charity homes to enliven and bring joy to this year’s Deepavali celebration.

Care for the less fortunate? Do you want to join us in donating basic food necessities for the less fortunate through our CSR’s Sesama Mara programme? Get more info at
