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Pesan BoBoiBoy – 19 July 2021
BoBoiBoy Air nak pesan, peliharalah sungai agar tidak tercemar bagi menjamin bekalan air terawat yang lestari untuk generasi akan datang. Kalau ada nampak aktiviti pencemaran sungai, laporkan segera kepada pihak berkuasa.
Tonton Episod Khas Air Selangor dan BoBoiBoy Air sekarang di YouTube Air Selangor TV: https://youtu.be/6TW-Ac5fFrY
BoBoiBoy Air encourages everyone to keep the rivers from being polluted. This is to ensure a sustainable supply of treated water for our future generations. If you see anyone polluting the rivers, report them to the authorities immediately.
Watch the Special Episode of Air Selangor and BoBoiBoy Air now at Air Selangor TV YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/6TW-Ac5fFrY
#AirSelangor #BoBoiBoy #KitaJagaAir