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CXD ISO Certificate
We are happy to announce that we have achieved ISO 18295-2:2017 certification for the services of our customer contact centres (CCC). The certification award is a globally recognised CCC standard created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
The certification award was presented by Mohd. Hamim Imam Mustain, Senior General Manager of SIRIM QAS International to Ir. Abas Abdullah, our Director/Head of Operations, accompanied by Abdul Halem Mat Som, our Head of Customer Experience.
This achievement demonstrates our commitment to provide the best experience to consumers and to realise our brand aspiration of becoming the leading water services provider in Asia by 2030 according to the standards that have been set.
The achievement is also very meaningful as we are the first water services provider in Malaysia to successfully obtain this ISO certification. This will only reinforce us to continuously improve the quality of our services to our consumers and stakeholders as we keep moving forward.