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Pertukaran Hak Milik Akaun Air Atas Talian – 31 October 2021

Anda ingin membuat pertukaran hak milik akaun air?

Pendaftaran dan permohonan boleh dilakukan dengan mudah secara dalam talian di Anda hanya perlu pastikan borang yang diisi serta dokumen-dokumen yang diminta adalah lengkap dan tepat supaya proses permohonan berjalan lancar.

Setelah permohonan di hantar, pihak Air Selangor akan melakukan semakan dan pembayaran deposit akan dikenakan mengikut jenis premis apabila telah disahkan. Terdapat juga bayaran lain yang akan dikenakan seperti Duti Setem dan Yuran Pemprosesan.

Sekiranya permohonan anda lulus, pihak Air Selangor akan memaklumkan kepada anda, dan pemasangan meter air baharu akan dipasang di premis berkenaan untuk menerima bekalan air.

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Are you looking to make a Change of Ownership for your water account?

Registration and application can be done easily online through You just need to make sure that the form filled and the documents requested are complete and accurate so that the application process runs smoothly.

After the application is sent, Air Selangor will review and the deposit payment will be charged according to the type of premises when it has been confirmed. There are also other fees that will be charged such as Stamp Duty and Processing Fee.

If your application is approved, Air Selangor will inform you, and a new water meter will be installed at the premises to receive water supply.

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