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Preparations to ensure a continuous treated water supply in conjunction with the Aidilfitri celebration

Dalam memberikan perkhidmatan terbaik kepada para pengguna, kami telah melaksanakan persiapan bagi memastikan bekalan air terawat yang berterusan bersempena sambutan Aidilfitri, bermula 8 April 2024 (7 pagi) hingga 16 April 2024 (12 tengah malam).

Untuk info lanjut, sila semak infografik.

In providing the best service to our consumers, we have made preparations to ensure a continuous treated water supply in conjunction with the Aidilfitri celebration, starting from 8 April 2024 (7 am) to 16 April 2024 (12 midnight).

For more info, please check the infographic.
